Archive of Lectures, Workshops and Publications

Updated till Dec. 2021



Publication of Crossroads between East and West / Raakvlakken tussen Oost en West

ISBN/EAN 978-94-6406-734-7.

Edited by Frans Caigny

Contributions by Johan kamermans, Goossen Karssenberg, Wim van de Loo, Alfonso Pleguezuelo, Ger de Ree en Lejo schenk.

A book in two languages: Dutch and English (The English translation was corrected and improved by Hans van Lemmen, Leeds)

A richly illustrated book (223 pages) about geometric tile designs from the Netherlands (Chapters V, VII and VIII) and its links with the islamic design tradition. It focuses on unique finds, in and around Antwerp mainly, of squared 16th century tiles with a geometric decoration. Frans Caigny composed beautiful tableaux of 6x8 tiles using only one single tile that was available. He even managed to construct tableaux from some fragments of tiles only.

Chapter I is about the islamic history of geometric pattern design, Chapter II describes the important role of tin glaze in the fabrication of ceramic geometric decorations, Chapters III and VI shows links of both the islamic and the Dutch designs with Spanish tiles.

My contribution to this book consists of tens of drawings in which i analyze geometric properties of the designs. Besides i wrote a chapter (Chapter IV) on how geometric patterns can be analyzed.

This collaboration has led to a beautiful and highly unique publication


2019, September and November

Publications in Dutch: Geometric pattern design, a Persian Method

Part 1 in Pythagoras nr 1, Sep 2019

Part 2 in Pythagoras nr 2, Nov 2019

2018, nov 24

Lecture at Ars et Mathesis-dag

Theme: Book Snijpunt Isfahan by Maite Karssenberg

Op Goede Vrijdag, 30 maart 2018 was er een lezing over een bijzonder meetkundig patroon met 12 deelnemers.

Locatie: Museum Galerie RAT, Burgwal 20, Den Burg (Texel)


tekening Goossen Karssenberg
tekening Goossen Karssenberg

Een paar jaar geleden werd een schitterend mozaïek, uitgevoerd als reliëf met blauw glazuur op de buitenwand van een eeuwenoude moskee in Mosul (Irak) totaal vernietigd door IS. Wat rest zijn enkele foto's en analyses zoals hiernaast van het geometrische patroon.


De afgelopen jaren heb ik me heel wat uurtjes beziggehouden met dit fascinerende ontwerp uit de 13e eeuw. En ik niet alleen: Verscheidene specialisten raakten gefascineerd door dit mozaïek. De lezing gaat over de reis die ik zowel figuurlijk als letterlijk maakte met dit patroon in mijn bagage. (De letterlijke reis die ik maakte met mijn dochter Maite Karssenberg wordt door haar beschreven in het boek Snijpunt Isfahan.) We komen tal van aspecten en open vragen over de ontwerptraditie tegen die deze juist zo fascinerend maken: Hoe kwamen de ontwerpen destijds tot stand? Hoe kunnen we ze reconstrueren? Hoe kunnen we de ontwerptraditie levend houden? Welke rol speelden de wiskundigen destijds bij het ontwerpen van nieuwe patronen?





15.45-16.00 Inloop

16.00-17.15 Presentatie

17.15-17.30 Koffie/thee

17.30-18.00 Discussie















                                              Foto Yasser Tabaa, Archnet

2017, feb 03

Two workshops during 'De Nationale Wiskundedagen' (the national conference for maths teachers).

Subject: Geometric Patterns from the Islamic Design Tradition in mathsclasses: A Goldmine  (GEOMETRISCHE PATRONEN UIT DE ISLAMITISCHE ONTWERPTRADITIE IN DE WISKUNDELES: EEN GOUDMIJN)

2016, August 21

Workshop in Tropenmuseum Amsterdam. 2 sessions.

Subject: On drawing geometric patterns with Seven-stars

2016 Summer

New puzzle set 'Heart-Cloud-Sun'. Published on this site, click here.

2016 Spring

Short story 'Spiral figures' in Dutch. Published on this site, click here.

2015, October

Book 'Mijn Opa de Trekvogel' by Liesbet Ruben. It contains three pages with drawings made by me.

ISBN 978 90 451 1855 0 NUR 232

2015, September 29, Oktober 1

Two workshop sessions for a group of four language- and drawing teachers. Subjects: Pattern design with pentagons, floral designs.

2015, April, May. A series of 14 lessons at Secondary School De Hogeberg, Texel. For results look here.

2015, January 5th

Article in local newspaper Noord-Hollands Dagblad by Nico Volkerts about my question for the National Dutch Science Quiz (broadcast dec. 2014). For details, look here.

2014, December 28

Braodcast of the Dutch National Science Quiz in which my question on a semiperiodic tiling was presented. For details look here.

2014, April, May

A series of about 14 lessons on patterns in islamic mosaics was delivered by Mrs. Karin Beneken-Kolmer and me to a group of 20 students at Secondary school 'De Hogeberg', Texel. For results, look here. 

2014, March

My article 'Learning Geometry by Designing Persian Mosaics' is published in issue nr. 100 (March 2014) of the Canadian journal 'For the Learning of Mathematics'.

Article Goossen Karssenberg flm34(1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 6.2 MB

2014, 1 and 2 February 2014

One-day workshop 'Geometrische Patronen', on designing geometric mosaics based on the Islamic tradition.

Attended by 13 people in total (quilters, designers, teachers, artists).

2014, 17 January 2014

Article by Pip Barnard about my fascination for Islamic geometric art and how it can be used in education.

20013, 30 December Publication of an article about the artwork by Maria Roelofsen and my work in 'Het Reformatorisch Dagblad'. Text: Janneke van Reenen-Hak, Images: Sjaak Verboom

2013, November. Publicaton of an article about my work in the Magazine 'Experiment NL', result of the collaboration between the dutch organisation for scientific research (NWO) and Quest. All subscribers of Quest received Experiment NL. Text:David Redeker.

2013, September. Workshop on geometric pattern design in the classroom. 1st international workshop week on islamic geometric patterns, Istanbul

At the Design Center of Istanbul a six-days congres was organized with lectures and workshops delivered by experts in this field. Incredibly inspiring!

Workshop by Reza Sarhangi
Workshop by Reza Sarhangi


2013, April-May A series of about 14 lessons on patterns in islamic mosaics (’Patronen in Islamitische Mozaïeken’) written by Goossen Karssenberg was given by Mrs. Marga Loos and Mr. Goossen Karssenberg to a group of 21 students (vwo 5, 16-17 years) at the Openbare Scholengemeenschap De Hogeberg Den Burg (Texel). Some results can be found here.


2013, May. Workshop delivered at a three day conference for mathematicians and artists on geometric Islamic patterns in Isfahan, Iran ( Some pictures of the conference can be found here.


2013, April. A newly designed exercise (four hours of work) was introduced in a lecture and done by 10 students, age 16-17 years, of the osg 'De Hogeberg', Den Burg, Texel.


2013, March 27th Workshop for students, Institute for Studies of the Middle East, Leiden University.


2012, December 18th, Groningen University. Conference for mathematics teachers. Lecture about using islamic mosaics to teach geometry at all levels in secundary schools.



2012, June. Publication of article 'Designing Persian Mosaics in the Classroom. Students in the centre of a medieval design tradition' in the review for Dutch mathematics teachers called 'Euclides' 


2012, June 15 - 17, Poster and puzzle presentation at the Uni-Bremen Symposium zu den Themen Bildung / FabLab / Nachwuchsförderung (http//


2012, May 25, guest visitor at osg De Hogeberg of the presentation by students of their designs of mosaics.


2012, May 11, guest lesson at osg 'De Hogeberg'. Instructions to help students design a mosaic.


2012, April 20, guest lesson at osg 'De Hogeberg'. The newly developed exercise on the construction of a mosaic following an old Persian manuscript. 


2012, March 9, Workshop: 'De vliegers en pijltjes van Roger Penrose. Het verband met Perzische mozaieken'. (‘The kites and darts of Roger Penrose. Links with Persian mosaics’) Groningen University, for a group of 17 students age 17-18 years.


2011, December 20, lecture ‘De leerling in de rol van ontwerper van geometrische mozaïeken. Hoe een eeuwenoude islamitische traditie kan worden ingezet in de lespraktijk’ (‘Students in the role of a designer of geometric mosaics. How an old islamic tradition can be used in teaching practice’). Study day for teachers of mathematics, university Groningen


2011, September 29, Mosaic presentation evening held at the secondary school osg De Hogeberg, Texel. Audience: 100 students, parents and others. Lecture by Goossen Karssenberg, presentations of mosaics designed by students age 15-17, unveiling of a Persian mosaic-quilt made by Marga Loos.


2011, June 20, Workshop: ‘How to design an islamic mosaic by simply folding’ and workshop: ‘A-periodic tilings and the links with Persian mosaics’. Both workshops delivered at KSG Apeldoorn for groups of 30 students aged 15. In cooperation with the Zayandeh foundation (Aldine Aaten and Tom Goris,


2011, March 4, Lecture: “Meetkunde met Islamitische mozaïeken” (“Geometry with Islamic mosaics”), Landelijke wiskunde C conferentie at de Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, organized by the vernieuwingscommissie cTWO (National Conference on the mathematics curriculum for secondary school students in the ‘Culture And Society Stream’)


2011, February, March, April: An improved series of about 12 lessons on patterns in Islamic mosaics (’Patronen in Islamitische Mozaieken’) written by Goossen

Karssenberg was given to a group of 14 students (vwo 4, 15-16 years) at

the Cosmicus College Rotterdam by Marjanne de Nijs, and to a group of

19 students (vwo 5, 16-17 years) at the Openbare Scholengemeenschap De

Hogeberg Den Burg (Texel) by Goossen Karssenberg.


2011, Jan. 29, Goossen Karssenberg (teacher in research) and Mrs.

Aldine Aaten (Freudenthal Institute), workshop “mathematics with the use of Islamic

tilings: Iran in the classroom”, Nationale Wiskundedagen, Noordwijkerhout,

70 participants (Mostly mathematics teachers).


2010, May 22, Tiling workshops with kites and darts, Yazd, Yazd Mathematics House (see May 20). Audience: 22 teachers.


2010, May 20, Tiling workshops with kites and darts, Isfahan, Isfahan Mathematics House, (on possible relations between medieval Islamic and modern tilings) Audience: 30 Teachers, students etc.


2010, May 16, Lecture on Teaching and Research Project on Islamic Tilings, Isfahan, Isfahan Mathematics House. Audience: 30 students, teachers etc.


2010, April 15: the students Maartje van Veen, Bart Post, and Saskia van der

Hoeven conducted a worskhop on Muqarnas [Islamic architectural structures],

which was conceived in the course Concrete Geometry 2009 taught

by JH, in class vwo 5 (18 students, age 16-17 years) at the Openbare

Scholengemeenschap De Hogeberg, Den Burg, Texel. This event was organized

by ‘teacher in research’ Goossen Karssenberg.


2010, February, March, April: A series of about 12 lessons on patterns in islamic

mosaics (’Patronen in Islamitische Mozaieken’) written by Goossen

Karssenberg was given to a group of 12 students (vwo 4, 15-16 years) at

the Cosmicus College Rotterdam by Marjanne de Nijs, and to a group of

18 students (vwo 5, 16-17 years) at the Openbare Scholengemeenschap De

Hogeberg Den Burg (Texel) by Peter Teubel and Goossen Karssenberg.


2010, January 27, Workshop ‘Wiskunde en islamitische mozaïeken’ (‘Mathematics and Islamic mosaics’), Aldine Aaten and Goossen Karssenberg, De achtste wiskunde conferentie voor docenten in het vmbo en de onderbouw havo/vwo, organised by APS (General Paedagogic Study Center), Utrecht. Audience: Teachers of mathematics at secondary schools, lower grades.


2009, Saturday, November 14, “Islamitische mozaieken uit de middeleeuwen als lesmateriaal” (“Teaching mathematics with the use of medieval Islamic mosaics”), Utrecht University, Ars et Mathesis day (foundation Ars et Mathesis, (audience: 100 people, many of whom are mathematics teachers)

A presentation of a poster and a puzzle at the

Uni-Bremen 15- 17 June 2012
Symposium zu den Themen Bildung / FabLab / Nachwuchsförderung in MINT-Disziplinen.

Workshop RUG March 2012. Photo Erica Bakker
Workshop RUG March 2012. Photo Erica Bakker

Recent Activities, News

Workshopdagen Valuascollege Venlo juni 2024

Klik op de foto naar een verslag

Houten versie Geofractor

De plastic geofractor uit het boekje is nu ook verkrijgbaar in de houten variant. Prijs €12,50

Boekje in zebrareeks is half april 2023 verschenen.

Artikel in Euclides

Half maart 2023 is in het vakblad van wiskundeleraren een artikel van me verschenen naar aanleiding van de publicatie van Zebra 66 Islamitische Meetkundige Patronen

Recensie Snijpunt Isfahan

Lees hier

First prototype of new aperiodic puzzle

The developing process is continued. click here.

Ars et Mathesisdag 2019

During the art- and maths day (Ars et Mathesisdag), 24 november 2018, I gave a lecture about analyzing historical geometric patterns and trying to find new ones.

Timelapse construction

A great timelapse construction by Ameet Hindocha. More can be found on the website Ambigraph

Article online available

The journal For the Learning of Mathematics made my 2014 article 'Learning geometry by designing Persian mosaics' online available: See

Een kritische recensie van Snijpunt Isfahan

Here you find my reflections on  a very critical review of Snijpunt Isfahan by a mathematician (in Dutch)

March 30 2018 Lecture

Lecture in Dutch

Two new 'floral'patterns

24 March 2018

Based upon the famous Alhambra pattern with circle segments. Click on the picture below to go there

14 feb 2018 Event about  'Snijpunt Isfahan' at Spui25

Look here

Interview by Dolf Jansen

Dolf Jansen interviewed Maite and me (in Dutch) during the radio program 'Spijkers met Koppen', to hear and watch the interview, klick here

Interview by Coen Verbraak

Coen Verbraak interviewed Maite and me about Maite's book 'Snijpunt Isfahan' (in Dutch), to hear and watch the interview, klick here

Official opening of Museum Gallery RAT (Recomposed Art Texel)

May 13 2017 we celebrated the opening of our new location Burgwal 20 Den Burg. Here you find artwork composed with beachcombed materials by Maria Roelofsen and my design studio for making new pattern compositions based upon the Islamic design tradition. For further information also look at

A new floral design with worksheet. Click on the picture to find more information about the Khatai Flower.

March 24th 2017

Heart cloud sun

Workshop in Amsterdam

21 august 2016 11.30-13.00

In the Tropenmuseum I delivered a workshop on the Islamic design tradition of geometric patterns in Dutch, further information here

New poem in Dutch:

Één Jaar

                                 May 6th 2016

Floral designs

A new subject is being developed and information will be available on this website: floral designs. I started today with the lotus flower. Click on the lotus below to visit the right tab.

                        24th of March 2016

Colour Plates available (not any more since the exhibition ended)

Download my puzzle-/colour plates at this link of the Tropenmuseum Junior 

Short story 'Spiral Figures'

I wrote a short story in Dutch about a child who draws spiral figures at the beach

Students finished newly developed lesson strand on Islamic mosaic design

Click on the picture below and check the two slide shows on the 2015 results. 

The workshop I delivered in 2014 is online since Jan. 2015

A miraculous set of tiles

I found a set of two tiles which can only form a semi-periodical pattern
I found a set of two tiles which can only form a semi-periodical pattern

Patchwork by Marijke Maris-Baan

Marijke Maris-Baan finished her design in patchwork, inspired by the winterworkshop held January 2014 on Texel
Marijke Maris-Baan finished her design in patchwork, inspired by the winterworkshop held January 2014 on Texel

Heptagon construction

A method to construct a near-regular heptagon now published on this site

Result of drawing competition

6 July 2014. The drawing cmpetition was won by José Bradamonte.

Students finished mosaic design course

A  group of about 20 students finished the lesson strand on Persian style mosaics in the beginning of may 2014. You can find some impressions of their activities here

View their endresults here

Result of pre-study

May 2014
May 2014

Article published

2014, March.

My article 'Learning Geometry by Designing Persian Mosaics' is published in issue nr. 100 (March 2014) of the Canadian journal 'For the Learning of Mathematics'.

At the flm-website you can find an Abstract.

Examples of basic patterns

Now available: a set of simple basic patterns (subgrids) to use to design new geometric patterns
Now available: a set of simple basic patterns (subgrids) to use to design new geometric patterns

New pattern design

Click on the picture below to find a series of patterns with octagons

Turn-angle 30 degrees
Turn-angle 30 degrees
Turn-angle 22.5 degrees.
Turn-angle 22.5 degrees.

Workshop 1&2 Feb. 2014

The workshop held on Texel was attended by 13 people in total. Among them: a furniture maker, a designer of lamps, quilters, painters and teachers. See the photo-impression of the workshop

Article in local newspaper Texel

This article (text and photo Pip Barnard) is about my fascination for Islamic geometrical ornamentation and how it can be used in (mathematics) education.

Article in Dutch newspaper

An article about the artwork by Maria Roelofsen and myself was published in the Dutch newspaper 'Reformatorisch Dagblad' on 30 december 2013. (Text Janneke van Reenen-Hak, Photo's Sjaak Verboom)

Publication in dutch magazine 'Experiment NL'

In this magazine on dutch Scientific research an article was published about my work. All those who have a subscription of 'Quest' received this magazine. Four pages with beautiful illustrations!

Work in progress, oktober 2013
Work in progress, oktober 2013

International workshop on Islamic geometric design Istanbul

At the Design Center of Istanbul a six-days congres was organized with lectures and workshops delivered by experts in this field. Incredibly inspiring!

Conference Isfahan, Iran

May 2013. A three day conference for mathematicians and artists on geometric Islamic patterns was held. Lots of inspiring workshops and lectures were delivered.

Workshop Leiden

Workshop for students, Institute for Studies of the Middle East, Leiden University, 27 march 2013

A participant of the workshop designs a geometric pattern
A participant of the workshop designs a geometric pattern

Contribution to piece of art

The use of patterns in a work of art by Maria Roelofsen (march 2013)
The use of patterns in a work of art by Maria Roelofsen (march 2013)

Lecture for maths teachers

During the conference for Maths teachers held december 18th 2012 at the Groningen University I gave a lecture about using islamic mosaics to teach geometry at all levels in secundary schools.


Article Published

June 2012.

In the review for Dutch mathematics teachers called 'Euclides' the article 'Designing Persian Mosaics in the Classroom. Students in the centre of a medieval design tradition' appeared (for the article in Dutch click here).

Maria completed 'the frog'